Wednesday, March 01, 2006

hump day

ground turkey and spinach enchiladas tonight and another sale today at work.

evan called this weekend, was nice to hear from a cuz. talked to alex and goldbean about Yo CUZ! publicity helping out Goldbean's boxing publicity empire. keep playing phone tag w/ bj. tim sent me a text msg. chatted w/ both my grandparents last weekend. both jays are chillin - my uncle and mel's cousin... abbies moving...

any new babies? marc? new weddings? new moves? new jobs? keep me up to date, people. what's new with y'all? post some comments about what heads are up to...let me know who actually reads my ramblings...and happy mardi gras. and happy wednesday (ash) and hash. browns, that is...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its a half jewish/half ukrainian boy!! Daniel Alexander Goldberg. Born March 6th, 2006.
7lb 6 oz.

when are you and mel coming back to philly for a visit so I can introduce you to Daniel!
