Thursday, December 08, 2005


so i got a job offer yesterday! and i decide to take it, and right as i'm about to call them and tell them i'll take the position, i wake up this morning and have an email in my box from a cool marketing company that would like to interview me tomorrow. and i have a 2nd interview next week... two sales positions and a marketing position... i think i want to get into sales though...the first sales position, i'd be head of this region, by myself, make my own schedule, door to door sales, but with companies, selling internet advertising...a craigslist competitor....decent offer, financially speaking though... not sure about the others though, as they're not on the table yet... i'm about to say yes and test out the never know, since it's a startup and it could blow up...with me as the first hire...on a side note, i want to give a big ol shout to anybody who provided me with a professional reference!

on another note, westbrooks out for the season and the birds had the worst game ever on monday night. hey, at least it snowed in philly though,right?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What u selling?

Anonymous said...

never had doubts