Saturday, April 22, 2006

lots of things...

lots of thoughts on my mind:

1) Three people I know are in physical trouble and I wish them all the best in pulling through these stresssful times. My thoughts are with you all and well wishes.

2) I ate at an incredible restaurant last night named "Farm" and had
the best local food, including smoked salmon ravioli and drank awesome wine from local vineyards. check my review here.

3) we got flexcar today and are leaving for hood river as soon as mel is dressed and ready. hood river is the sailboarding capital of the world, on the columbia river gorge.

4) my cousin sammy requested a shout out, so what's the drilly? she's bout to move to london end of the summer for grad school. say whatup to damon albarn and graham coxon and the kooks for me when you're kickin it in camdentown later this year. save me a curry and a bitter and i'll be out soon to chill with you blokes.

please send us cheesesteaks and softpretzels,


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