Monday, April 10, 2006

thoughts of the week

  • been watching the travel channel a lot lately. anthony bourdain is the man. if you haven't seen his show, NO RESERVATIONS, you are missing out bigtime.. his show on peru tonight was all that... i'm so down to eat ceviche, gunea pig and yucca beer... machu picchu looks amazing...
  • speaking of machu picchu, the movie for celestine prophecy was horrible. mel is gonna make a post on here about how bad it is...she's gonna be my new official movie reviewer.
  • jeanie took me to a dope nursery where i bought a blueberry bush, some lemon thyme and other goodies for mygarden...
  • i want a burnese mountain dog.
  • wed. night is passover....i'll be posting my moms blazing recipe for brisket sometime this week in memory of that, and maybe my grandpop's recipe for the best matzah ball soup ever..
  • you know how some people rock the jesus fish on the back of their car? well i saw one the other day that had the fish sign, but it said "gefilte" in the middle of was all that!

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