Wednesday, September 20, 2006


  • i'm tired.
  • my one year anniversary is coming up in a week and half. we're spending the night @ timberline lodge at mt. hood.
  • my sister ate our anniversary cake (the top part of the wedding cake) on a drunk rampage one night many months ago.
  • we have to go out and get some really fresh dope strawberry shortcake to make up for that.
  • i'm tired.
  • i just finished another haruki murakami book: norwegian wood and it was not as dope as the rest i've read, in my mind. more of a twisted love story. still pretty good and worth a read, but not as twisted and extraordinary, in the creative sense of the word, not the way most people use the word today.
  • i made some good tea tonight, white peony and orange pu-ehr
  • roobis tea (red tea) is def. my shit these days though, but i'm out.
  • melenie got an A in her first grad school class!
  • im going to start a book soon i've decided yet again...i have a dope start of a novel in my head, but it's really hard to get on the computer at night after sitting in front of the screen from 7 am - 5 pm these days.
  • my mom makes me feel guiltier and guiltier every time i speak to her on the phone, for moving out west. i think she's being quite selfish. what do you think?
  • fall is here. i love it.

good bye.


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